Bezhotovostní odběr pohonných hmot u čerpacích stanic formou karet

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailKRPK-55709-2/ČJ-2020-1900VZ14. 08. 2020ČEPRO, a.s.44 276 078,0036 591 800,00CZK

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DetailČEPRO, a.s.Praha44 276 078,0036 591 800,00CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

KRPK-55709-2/ČJ-2020-1900VZ1 033 746,47816 659,71
KRPK-55709-2/ČJ-2020-1900VZ2022202423 888 269,2519 742 371,28
KRPK-55709-2/ČJ-2020-1900VZ202311 362,269 390,31
KRPK-55709-2/ČJ-2020-1900VZ20231 109 695,33917 103,57
KRPK-55709-2/ČJ-2020-1900VZ20231 039 333,95858 953,86
KRPK-55709-2/ČJ-2020-1900VZ202329 631,8024 489,08
KRPK-55709-2/ČJ-2020-1900VZ202323 434,7619 367,58
KRPK-55709-2/ČJ-2020-1900VZ202320 499,4216 941,67
KRPK-55709-2/ČJ-2020-1900VZ20238 031,796 637,84
KRPK-55709-2/ČJ-2020-1900VZ2023987 051,27815 744,95